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You dream of having both an income and time with your kids. You crave the flexibility of being able to spend more time with them, and you know you are destined to have unlimited earning potential, while being the most present mum yet. 

Enter Socially Savvy, the course designed to teach you how to start and grow a 6-figure social media management business, without sacrificing your time or freedom.

Socially Savvy
Socially Savvy

You love being a mum and picking your kids up after school, and being on the sidelines at sport makes your heart feel so full. But you are also craving more.


You dream of working part-time while the kids are at school or when the baby naps. You desire to have a creative outlet, that also makes you good money. The thought of earning your own money and creating additional income for your family makes you excited for all the things you could do - paying off the mortgage sooner, taking holidays your family dream of rather than what the bank account allows, being able to book those massages or nail appointments without having to ask for money or feel guilty, or on the next rainy day, taking the kids to the toy store so they can choose a new toy rather than staying stuck indoors.

 The list is endless.

Your kids will always come first, so you want a career that fits around your lifestyle, not the other way around. There's no more begging the boss to leave early for assembly, counting and juggling sick days, or feeling that dread when your child wakes up with yet another sniffle....

Building a 6-figure business is absolutely possible for everyone, including mums.
Especially mums - because we are dynamic, resourceful, and are able to get a s**t tonne done in an hours time!

Imagine using that hour that you spend currently scrolling social media, and instead using it to run your own business, making $$$ for your family!

Social media makes for the perfect scalable business, and in Socially Savvy (the course that will teach you how), you'll learn everything in order to start and manage a successful online business. From time management so you can manage everything without burning out, and mastering your mindset so you make solid, desire-led decisions that are beneficial for you family, through to social media management, pricing and attracting your dream client, this course offers a complete guide to living your 6-figure business dream all while being there for your children and family. Because you can be both.

I'm living proof that you can be a 6-figure business owner and a mum, and live your best most aligned life without having to sacrifice time or money. 

Socially Savvy is for you if you...

  • Are a mum looking to create additional income for your family

  • Love social media and are excited by working in the SM industry

  • Are excited by the idea of working from home and escaping the 9-5

  • Are looking for a flexible job that works around your life (not the other way around!)

  • Know you want to start a business but have no idea where to start

  • Are excited by the idea of being paid while you watch your kids play after school sport or while the baby naps

  • Dream of owning your own business but it all feels too scary to start

  • Want to feel supported and guided in creating a growing your business

  • Have a computer, phone and an internet connection

  • Have an open mind and are dedicated to improving your mindset 

What you're going to learn that's going to make you money honey!


In order to have a successful business, you need to believe in yourself first. That's why we start with working on our mindset. One thing all successful business owners have in common is a growth mindset, so we work to remove limiting beliefs and set you up for ultimate success and become a self-belief machine. You'll also learn my four-step manifesting process to call in whatever it is you desire, including your dream clients and your desired income level.


In this module we cover mastering your money mindset as your money mindset is crucial to your businesses financial success. Everything you think, feel and know about money contributes to your money mindset, so we work to identify and rewrite your limiting beliefs around money, and align your energy and beliefs so you can attract the $$$ easy peasy.


In this module you will learn all of the social media tips and tricks you will need to create client strategies and killer  content, set up and audit client accounts, nail your clients growth, and most of all keep your clients happy. This is the nuts and bolts of what your job is about, and by the end of this module you will confidently be able to manage social media for your clients.  


In this module we start to define your business; covering things like pricing and services, how to find clients, navigating terms and conditions and taxes... all the un-sexy but totally important stuff that you need for your biz to thrive!

In this module we cover personal branding, what it is and why it's so important. You'll learn how to discover a brand that represents you and your business and what you need to be able to successfully market your brand moving forward. Here's where we set you apart from everyone else and nail your individual voice!


In our final module we look at what's next. This is all about growing and expanding your business strategically, hiring staff, and implementing business tech to help make your life easier as you grow. 

In just 8 weeks from now, your own social media business could be set up and ready to make you and your family money, to use on what ever you desire!

Imagine this.....

Sitting pool side watching your child at their swimming lessons while your phone is pinging with payment notifications from clients

Being able to provide for yourself and your family, no matter whether you are the sole earner or want to add additional income for your family

Being able to escape the 9-5 and instead work from the comfort of your own home during the times that suit you best

Being available for your kids whenever you need to be - that's school pick up and drop offs, after school activities and assemblies

Waking up unwell and being able to just take the day off to nurture your own health

Not freaking out when your child wakes up with a sniffle as you know you can be there to support them without having to beg for yet another sick day

Starting your mornings with things like yoga, hot girl walks, massages and other self-care things

Being able to go away on holiday whenever you like and not having to ask for time off. Even better, since you can work from anywhere you can travel for as long as you like!

Feeling confident and solid in your mindset and knowing that the opportunities in front of you are endless (no matter whether your dream of bringing in a few hundred dollars every week, or desire to grow a 6 or 7 figure business)

Knowing your bills are easily paid every month and not stressing every time an unexpected bill pops up because you don't fear spending money

Having a job that you love and that loves you back

And I know you love being a mum as much as I do, but you desire more from you life... something for you

How it works...

Socially Savvy is a two month course where you will receive on-going support as you work through the six self-paced modules. You will have access to our Facebook community for two months, where you can ask any questions and receive on-going live support as you begin your journey and grow your 6-figure business. There will also be a live video call every 2 weeks where you will have the opportunity to bring all of those burning questions that you need answered. 

Here's what you need to know....

  • 6 self paced modules over 8 weeks, allowing you to self-study at a time that suits you

  • Homework and exercises designed to help you step into your inner CEO and integrate what you've learned

  • Bi-weekly Q&A video calls

  • 2 months of ongoing live support in the Socially Savvy Facebook group

  • Lifetime access to all of the module trainings 

  • Opportunity to be referred on to social media clients on successful completion of the training

Enrolment is now live! Socially Savvy begins on the 17th May!

Use the code EARLYBIRD to save 20% off the course price until the 16th May!

Who is Sarah Lilly

7 years ago I was miserable working in my 9-5, crying nearly every morning before dragging my butt to work. After some encouragement from my work colleagues and family I quit the rat race and started my own social media business.


1 year later I gave birth to my gorgeous son Jack, and over the past 6 years I've built a successful 6-figure social media business. Throughout this time I've worked with many brands and had the honour of working with most of my clients long term as they love my work. Throughout this time I've been able to be a full time mum (and for many years a solo mum), being able to be there for Jack throughout those crucial first years. 

Over my 7 years in business I have learned a lot, and decided to create Socially Savvy as a crash course in everything I have learned over this time. It's for all of the mamas out there who feel like they have to choose between being a mum and making money - instead you can be the woman who does both! This is the course and support I wish I had when I started my business!

Business Bestie 1_1 Brand Coaching
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